theology in the raw

#900 - Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: Parents’ Perspectives

This topic is volatile, contested, heated, controversial, and incredibly important. In this episode, I talk to three different moms whose teenage kids experienced ROGD. In a very vulnerable way, they talk about their experiences as parents and how they had to navigate some very complex conversations with their kids.

#900 - Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: Parents’ Perspectives

#899 - The Dark World of Sex Trafficking: Tyler Schwab

In this podcast episode, Tyler shares his very raw and sobering experience as a front line worker with Operation Undergound Railroad in the fight against sex trafficking. The stories he shares reveal the depth of human depravity and also testify to the redeeming power of Christ. Tyler’s work also plunges into the mysteries of the problem of evil. If God really is good, then how IN. THE. WORLD. Can things like this be happening? Needless to say, Tyler has wrestled with his faith in very real ways.

#899 - The Dark World of Sex Trafficking: Tyler Schwab

#898 - Jesus, the Bible, and Finding Christ through Deconstruction: Brian Zhand

In this podcast, we talk about his forthcoming book When Everything’s On Fire: Faith Forged from the Ashes. Brians tells his own story of theological deconstruction and how he had a fresh encounter with Jesus through it all. We then talk quite a bit about the relationship between Jesus and the Bible. Is the Bible the foundation of our faith? Or is Jesus? Or both? And what happens when people equate a fundamentalist view of Scripture and doctrine with Christianity? Typically, you get...a future deconstruction waiting to happen.

#898 - Jesus, the Bible, and Finding Christ through Deconstruction: Brian Zhand

#897 - Netflix’s “Pray Away” and the Ex-Gay Movement: Tony Scarcello

Netflix recently released a documentary on the so-called “Ex-Gay” movement, highlighting its lies and all the damage it’s done to gay Christians. What are the pros of the movie? And what are the cons? My good friend Tony Scarcello and I evaluate this provocative documentary.

#897 - Netflix’s “Pray Away” and the Ex-Gay Movement: Tony Scarcello

#896 - Engaging the LGBTQ Conversation with Messy Grace and Truth: Dr. Caleb Kaltenbach

Caleb Kaltenbach is a pastor and founder of The Messy Grace Group where he helps churches love and foster community with LGBTQ individuals without sacrificing theological convictions. He's the author of God of Tomorrow and Messy Grace (where he discusses being raised in the LGBTQ community, following Jesus, and how loving others doesn’t require shifting beliefs), and the recently released Messy Truth: How to Foster Community without Sacrificing Conviction, which is the content of our podcast conversation.

#896 - Engaging the LGBTQ Conversation with Messy Grace and Truth: Dr. Caleb Kaltenbach

#895 - Asylum Seekers, Undocumented Immigrants, and the Gospel: Dr. Rebecca Poe Hays and John Garland

“About 5% of what you see on the news reflects the reality of what’s going on at the border,” says pastor John Garland, who’s been living out the gospel at the border. In this fascinating conversation, Dr. Poe Hays and John Garland walk us through what it means to be a Christian and live out the kingdom of God toward a marginalized and misunderstood group of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. And how the Psalms are a Spirit-inspired guide to trauma therapy.

#895 - Asylum Seekers, Undocumented Immigrants, and the Gospel: Dr. Rebecca Poe Hays and John Garland

#894 - A Theology of Disability: Dr. Brian Brock

Dr. Brian Brock is a Christian ethicist and theologian who has become one of the leading experts in disability theology. What does it mean, theologically, to be dissabled? How much of the able-bodied assumptions about disability are misinformed and, potentially, dehumanizing? How do the Christian doctrines of creation, fall, redemption, and resurrection inform our understanding of disabilities? And what would it look like for the church to embody a robust Christian theology of disability?

#894 - A Theology of Disability: Dr. Brian Brock

#893 - Why Christians Need to Read the Apocrypha: Dr. Joey Dodson

What is the Apocrypha and what isn’t the Apocrypha? Is it a Catholic set of uninspired books? Books vital for understanding the New Testament? Should it be included in our Bibles? In our...Canon? New Testament scholar and Apocrypha expert Dr. Joey Dodson guides us through this important conversation with wisdom, wit, and cultural relevance. You’ll see what I mean.

#893 - Why Christians Need to Read the Apocrypha: Dr. Joey Dodson

#892 - I Think I Might Be a Christian Anarchist!? Jay Newman

What is Christian Anarchy? I sat down with my good friend, fellow Dodger’s fan, and BBQ expert Jay Newman to talk about this. He’s not only persuaded by Christian anarchy, but he’s convinced that I’m one too. We dive deep into the basics of Christian anarchy and how Christians should posture themselves in light of partisan politics and the government as a whole.

#892 - I Think I Might Be a Christian Anarchist!? Jay Newman

#891 - Kids and COVID, Platforming Detransitioners, Women in Leadership, NT Wright vs. John Piper: Q&A Podcast

My Patreon supporters sent me a ton of questions to respond to, so here’s my attempt! Is it inconsistent for homeschool parents to say “kids need to go back to school” during COVID, then they are school. Does Gen 2 really give us a definition for marriage? What do I think of Milo Yiannopolos? Would I have have him on the show? What do I think of NT Wright and John Piper’s recent articles? Should we read books or listen to music by Christian leaders who have fallen into sin? Why have I had on the show so many detransitioners? Doesn’t this skew the conversation? What are my thoughts on women in leadership and Beth Allison Barr’s book The Making of Biblical Womanhood? And much more!

#891 - Kids and COVID, Platforming Detransitioners, Women in Leadership, NT Wright vs. John Piper: Q&A Podcast

#890 - The Holiness of God: Jackie Hill Perry

Jackie HIll Perry is a rockstar. Actually, she’s a Christian, poet, musician, artist, author, mother, and wife--in no particular order (except the Christian part is most important). Her latest book Holier Than Thou, releases on Aug. 17, 2021 and talks about how God is not like us, is different, is holy, and that’s exactly what makes Him trustworthy. In this conversation, we talk about God’s holiness and character, human sexuality, and Jackie’s personal life as a high profile Christian influencer.

#890 - The Holiness of God: Jackie Hill Perry

#889 - Parenting in the Raw: Chris Sprinkle

Chris is a mother, wife, and Vice-President for The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender. She also helps run Theology in the Raw and my personal ministry. She’s my wife. And she’s an incredible mom, and that’s what we talk about in this uncut episode. Chris is very passionate about parenting our kids in the ways of Christ in such a way that sets them up to succeed in the world today.

#889 - Parenting in the Raw: Chris Sprinkle

#888 - Race, Racism, and Why Christians Need Critical Race Theory: Propaganda

In this episode we talk about Prop’s new book and we talk about coffee. But the bulk of our time is spent talking about the race conversation and Prop’s got some passionate thoughts about the topic.

Strap on your seat belts, folks! You’re going for a ride...

#888 - Race, Racism, and Why Christians Need Critical Race Theory: Propaganda

#887 - Polyamory, Sex w/ Robots, Procreation, & the Meaning of Marriage: Andrew Bunt

Yup, we talk about all of that. Not sure I need to explain more than what’s in the title. Our conversation is actually quite theological and it doesn’t shy away from the tough questions, the embarrassing questions, and the questions you didn’t know you had until you listened to this episode.

#887 -  Polyamory, Sex w/ Robots, Procreation, & the Meaning of Marriage: Andrew Bunt

#886 - Sex, Gender, and the Anthropology of Trans* Identities: Dr. Abigail Favale

Abigail and I talk about all things related to gender, postmodern feminism, and the ontology of trans* identities. We discuss the meaning of sex and gender, the relationship between body and soul, the possibility of an intersex condition of the brain, whether brains are male and female, intersex conditions, gender stereotypes, and how all of this relatest to the anthropological understnading of trans* experiences.

#886 -  Sex, Gender, and the Anthropology of Trans* Identities: Dr. Abigail Favale

#885 - Vaccines, Lab Leak Theory, Covid Variants, and Masks: John C. Bivona

Back by popular demand! John C. Bivona is an infectious disease expert and he gives us an update on all things pandemic related. The efficacy of vaccines, what we know and don’t know, should kids get vaccinated, are you immune if you’ve already had Covid, whether Covid was leaked from the Wuhan lab, what we know about the Delta variant (and other variants), vaccine hesitancy, and much more.

#885 - Vaccines, Lab Leak Theory, Covid Variants, and Masks: John C. Bivona

#884 - Facing Burnout in a Post-Covid Church: Dan White Jr

In this episode, I talk to Dan White about what it’s like burning out of ministry and how to cultivate healthier rhythms to prevent this from happening (again). Part of the problem is the internet and social media. Our prefrontal contexes never rest! We’re constantly bombarded with stuff to process. And COVID only exacerbated this problem.

#884 -  Facing Burnout in a Post-Covid Church: Dan White Jr

#883 - Pastoring Mars Hill Bible Church: Dr. A.J. Sherrill

A.J. was the lead pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church, a few years after Rob Bell left, and talks about how he approached ministry in this unique church. We also talk about different theological traditions, political division, patriotism vs. nationalism, and A.J.’s transition to pastor an Anglican church.

#883 -  Pastoring Mars Hill Bible Church: Dr. A.J. Sherrill

#882 - Another Perspective on Systemic Racism, White Privilege, and CRT: Samuel Sey

Samuel Sey is a Ghanian-Canadian who lives in outside of Toronto. He’s written extensively on race, racial justice, abortion, critical race theory, and other issues related to faith and culture. He challenges us with a perspective on race that’s different from what you will hear on most mainstream media outlets.

#882 -  Another Perspective on Systemic Racism, White Privilege, and CRT: Samuel Sey

#881 - From Trans to Detrans: Daisy Chadra

Daisy is a YouTuber who used to identify as nonbinary, then transgender, and now reidentifies with her female biological sex. In this episode, we talk about her story, the nature gender dysphoria and social dysphoria, some of the gender ideology that she used to believe in but no longer does, the massive role that the internet played in her journey and transition, and what kind of advice she’d give to parents with trans identified kids.

#881 -  From Trans to Detrans: Daisy Chadra

#880 - A Transman’s Unexpected Thoughts on Trans* Related Issues: Scott Newgent

Scott is a fully transitioned 48 year old FtM transman with 3 teenage kids, and he’s pretty fired up about how the medical industry has failed our trans*-identified kids. Scott holds some pretty unpredictable views. Though he’s a transman, he believes that trans*-identified kids are in no position to transition, and that parents of trans* kids should not use their pronouns or do anything that would encourage their transition. In fact, Scott is very critical of several aspects of trans* ideologies and is passionate about the truth of human nature and the medical pros and cons about transitioning.

#880 - A Transman’s Unexpected Thoughts on Trans* Related Issues: Scott Newgent

#879 - The Gospel and Battle Rap: Street Hymns

Street Hymns is an Christian, artist, musician, leader, and a member an elite Battle Rap team called The IV Horseman. In this episode, we discuss how Street’s been able to embody the gospel in Battle Rap, reaching a culture where the gospel is not traditionally known. Upper middle class suburban versions of the gospel have little hope of making an impact in the urban context where Street and his team minister.

#879 - The Gospel and Battle Rap: Street Hymns