covid vaccines

#885 - Vaccines, Lab Leak Theory, Covid Variants, and Masks: John C. Bivona

Back by popular demand! John C. Bivona is an infectious disease expert and he gives us an update on all things pandemic related. The efficacy of vaccines, what we know and don’t know, should kids get vaccinated, are you immune if you’ve already had Covid, whether Covid was leaked from the Wuhan lab, what we know about the Delta variant (and other variants), vaccine hesitancy, and much more.

#885 - Vaccines, Lab Leak Theory, Covid Variants, and Masks: John C. Bivona

#862- Q, Vaccines, Censorship, Totalitarianism, & Engaging Culture: Gabe Lyons

Few people understand the intersection between faith and culture better than Gabe Lyons. In this conversation, we avoid all the easy topics and only discuss the highly controversial ones: Qideas (not Qanon), COVID vaccines, can we trust the government, how should we think through the “facts” about the pandemic, is censorship really happening, how to think through sexuality and gender questions, and much more.

#862- Q, Vaccines, Censorship, Totalitarianism, & Engaging Culture: Gabe Lyons