#900 - Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: Parents’ Perspectives

Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) is a psychological term coined by Dr. Lisa Littmann from Brown University in a study published in 2018, and made more popular by the highly publicized book Irreversible Damage by Abigail Schrier.  The words RAPID ONSET describes the quickness by which many teenagers today seem to be experiencing GD—teenagers who had no prior history of Gender Dysphoria. It seems that they come out as “trans” or “nonbinary" seemingly out of nowhere; or at least, in ways that were completely unexpected by their parents. 

This topic is volatile, contested, heated, controversial, and incredibly important. In this episode, I talk to three different moms whose teenage kids experienced ROGD. In a very vulnerable way, they talk about their experiences as parents and how they had to navigate some very complex conversations with their kids.

For an overview of ROGD and another testimony of a girl who experienced it, see this talk I gave with Helena Kerschner at the 2021 Q Ideas conference: https://youtu.be/t884B0V8Xng

Theology in the Raw Conference - Exiles in Babylon
At the Theology in the Raw conference, we will be challenged to think like exiles about race, sexuality, gender, critical race theory, hell, transgender identities, climate change, creation care, American politics, and what it means to love your democratic or republican neighbor as yourself. Different viewswill be presented. No question is off limits. No political party will be praised. Everyone will bechallenged to think. And Jesus will be upheld as supreme.

Faith, Sexuality, and Gender Conference - Live in Boise or Stream Online

In the all-day conference, Dr. Preston Sprinkle dives deep into the theological, relational, and ministry-related questions that come up in the LGBTQ conversation.

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