#733 - The first legally recognized non-binary person: “It was all a sham” (James Shupe)
On episode #733 of Theology in the Raw Preston has a conversation with James Shupe. On June 10, 2016 in Portland, Oregon, Jamie Shupe became the first person in the United States to have their sex legally designated as non-binary. On November 1, 2016, Jamie Shupe became the first person in the history of Washington, D.C. to be issued an official document with a sex other than male or female when their birth certificate was issued as “unknown” as a result of their non-binary sex change court order. Shupe has since reclaimed his birth sex of male and now resides in Ocala, Florida. Jamie Shupe retired from the U.S. Army as a decorated Sergeant First Class (E-7) after 18 years of honorable military service.