The Benefits of Homeschooling
I’ve spent two blogs talking about the potential dangers of homeschooling. Now I want to follow up with a blog talking about the potential benefits of homeschooling.
I’ve spent two blogs talking about the potential dangers of homeschooling. Now I want to follow up with a blog talking about the potential benefits of homeschooling.
A few weeks ago, I posted a blog titled “The Dangers of Homeschooling” and I promised to follow up with a blog about the benefits of homeschooling. Sorry for the delay! I had planned to post the second blog a week.
Parents are often infatuated with law and less so with grace. As a father of four kids, I feel the tension daily. "Clean up your room!" "Wash the dishes!" "Share with your sister!" Stop taking things from your sister!" Parenting is a mosaic of rules that put Moses’ Law to shame. Where does grace fit in?